News & Events

Webinar on Electromagnetic Modeling and Design of an Actuator

January 26, 2023
Dr. Nirmal Paudel presented a free, one-hour webinar titled "Electromagnetic Modeling and Design of an Actuator." He demonstrated a workflow for designing an electromagnetic actuator using the COMSOL Multiphysics simulation software and its parametric sweep and optimization tools in both static and transient simulations.

Veryst supports bioengineering study of new surgical technique, just published

January 17, 2023
Veryst is proud to have supported 3D BioLabs LLC with a study described in its recent publication titled “Rodent Model for Orthotopic Implantation of Engineered Liver Devices.” The publication presents a novel surgical technique to provide blood supply to implanted cellularized devices that augment or replace liver tissue function.

Welcome to the newest members of our team!

August 1, 2022
Veryst is pleased to introduce two new members of our team! Dr. Amartya Bhattacharjee brings technical expertise in the domains of solid mechanics, material modeling, fracture mechanics, structural analysis, and structural dynamics. Dr. Nirmal Paudel brings an extensive background in computational electromagnetics and product development in the R&D environment, particularly in the power and energy sector. 

Veryst announces five new principals!

July 1, 2022
Veryst is excited to announce that Matthew Hancock, Mike Kuron, Mark Oliver, Andrew Spann, and Sean Teller have recently become principals of the company!  These new principals join Dr. Stuart Brown, the founder of Veryst Engineering.

Article published in the Physics of Plasmas

November 5, 2021
Dr. Andrew Spann was part of a team of authors of an article titled "Lasergate: a windowless gas target for enhanced laser preheat in magnetized liner inertial fusion." Veryst conducted the simulations for this work using COMSOL Multiphysics. The article was published online in the Physics of Plasmas.

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