Publication co-authored with U.S. Food and Drug Administration

July 7, 2017

Dr. Jorgen Bergstrom has co-authored (in collaboration with Maureen Dreher and Srinidhi Nagaraja of the U.S. Food and Drug Administration) an article titled “Development of a Flow Evolution Network Model for the Stress–Strain Behavior of Poly(L-lactide)” for ASME (the American Society of Mechanical Engineers).

Computational modeling is critical to medical device development and has grown in its utility for predicting device performance. There is also an increasing trend to use absorbable polymers for the manufacturing of medical devices. However, computational modeling of absorbable devices is hampered by a lack of appropriate constitutive models that capture their viscoelasticity and postyield behavior. The objective of this study was to develop a constitutive model that incorporated viscoplasticity for a common medical absorbable polymer, poly(L-lactide) (PLLA). The study was published in the Journal of Biomechanical Engineering, Vol. 139(9), 091002 (Jul 07, 2017), Digital Collection. Read the abstract here.

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