Version 5.0 of PolyUMod® and MCalibration® software now available

May 4, 2018

Veryst has released a new version of the PolyUMod library of advanced material models and the MCalibration parameter extraction software with significant new features!  Some notable changes with version 5.0:

* PolyUMod now supports Abaqus 2018 and ANSYS 19.0.
* PolyUMod includes the new Three Network Viscoplastic (TNV) material model.
* MCalibration now supports 18 pre-calibrated material models that work with all supported FE solvers.
* Installers for PolyUMod and MCalibration are now separate.

Visit our website’s Secure Zone for details and to access the new version.  If you have an active software license, your Username and Password are in the email you received with your software activation key.

If you do not have an active software license but want to learn more, visit our software pages.

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